Fantastic time presenting at Laracon AU 2019

Laracon AU just wrapped up in Sydney. It was a fantastic 2 days of learning (and 2 nights of partying).

I had a blast, doing my first ever presentation at a conference – big shout out to Michael Dyrynda for giving me an opportunity to be a speaker this year. If you are interested in watching my presentation, I am informed that they will all be up on the LaraconAU YouTube by the end of the year (after processing & editing)

You can find the slides here, though most of my presentation was a demo (which went off without a hitch!)

Everyone was great and supportive, many people came up to me to tell me they found my presentation (on my API boilerplate) really interesting, and were keen to have a go. You can find the github for it here –

Me doing my presentation, bit of a postman demo

Me with some of my friends and colleagues

Advanced testing of Laravel packages

I’ve done a talk at the Sydney Laravel meetup today about techniques for advanced testing of Laravel composer packages.

Essentially I take viewers through integration testing, and how to test against a realistic fully-fledged Laravel application in order to have more comprehensive and integration level tests for their Laravel packages.

This is really useful for any package developers, or even just contributors. Although the topic is slightly complex, it’s distilled fairly clearly, and the end result of what to do is actually quite simple!

Along with the usual slides, below you will find one of my Laravel packages, which I used during the presentation to demonstrate the concepts in the talk.

GitHub repo used for examples
